Stainless steel wafer check valve available in sizes 2″ – 48″ with a light and versatile design which is 80% – 90% less weight than conventional full-body swing check valves. Spring loaded discs available in various body materials (cast iron, carbon steel).

Series 240 (Wafer Style Check Valve)




Our industrial grade 304/316 stainless steel swing check valve is designed for a flanged piping system, between two flanges. The valves may be installed in vertical or horizontal piping.  This wafer check valve is ideal for the following industries and applications: general service piping systems, water, oil, gasoline, chemicals – gas (compressible gasses) and air (compressed air and blower)


The series 240 Valtorc wafer check valves are designed for installation in flanged piping systems, between two flanges. The series 240 valves may be installed in vertical or horizontal piping. Care must be taken to always install the valves with the shafts in a vertical position when installing in a horizontal pipeline. Vertical up flow is always a good installation. Consult factory for vertical down flow.


  • General service piping systems
  • Water, oil, gasoline, chemicals
  • Gas (compressible gases)
  • Air (compressed air and blower)

Valtorc’s 240 wafer check valves are designed to provide long service life if the velocity is kept within the flow rate shown in the table (in attached PDF spec sheet) and if a minimum of five pipe diameters of straight pipe in front of the valve is maintained downstream from a likely cause of turbulence (i.e., pump discharge, reducers or elbows).

  • Available sizes 2″ – 48″
  • 316/304 stainless steel body and disc
  • 316/304  stainless steel seats
  • Dual discs open 85 degrees
  • Very light weigh valve – up to 80% less weight than traditional swing-check valve
  • Spring loaded discs
  • Increased responsiveness of discs
  • ASME B16.1, B16.5, B16.34, B16.47 and B31.1, API 594 and 598
  • MSS-SP-25, MSS-SP-55, API 6A and 6D MSS-SP-61